Glossary of Terms


  Abstention noun ab·sten·tion əb-ˈsten(t)-shən, ab-

: the act of choosing not to do or have something

: a formal refusal to vote on something

Adagio con brio musical term  a•da•gio  con bri·o (ə-dä′jō kɒn ˈbriːəʊ)

: (Classical Music) music (to be performed) with liveliness or spirit, as in the phrase allegro con brio

[Italian: with energy]

Advancement noun ad·vance·ment əd-ˈvan(t)-smənt

: the act of moving forward

: the act or result of making something better, more successful, etc.

: the act of being raised to a higher rank or position

 Adversity noun ad·ver·si·ty ad-ˈvər-sə-tē

: a difficult situation or condition : misfortune or tragedy

Beethoven biographical name Bee·tho·ven ˈbā-ˌtō-vən

Ludwig van 1770–1827 Ger. composer

Benevolent adjective be·nev·o·lent bə-ˈnev-lənt, -ˈne-və-

: kind and generous

: organized to do good things for other people

Ça va, bonjour french greeting / sa va/ boh(n)-zhoor)

: “Good morning, how are you?”

Conceive verb con·ceive kən-ˈsēv

: to think of or create (something) in the mind

: to become pregnant

Condemnation noun con·dem·na·tion ˌkän-ˌdem-ˈnā-shən, -dəm-

: a statement or expression of very strong and definite criticism or disapproval

  Conspire verb con·spire kən-ˈspī(-ə)r

: to secretly plan with someone to do something that is harmful or illegal

: to happen in a way that produces bad or unpleasant results

Cooperation noun co·op·er·a·tion (ˌ)kō-ˌä-pə-ˈrā-shən

: a situation in which people work together to do something

: the actions of someone who is being helpful by doing what is wanted or asked for

Civic adjective civ·ic ˈsi-vik

: of or relating to a city or town or the people who live there

: relating to citizenship or being a citizen

 Depressed adjective de·pressed: feeling sad

: having a serious medical condition that causes a person to feel very sad, hopeless, and unimportant: suffering from mental depression

: having little economic activity and few jobs : suffering from economic depression

Embroider verb em·broi·der im-ˈbrȯi-dər

: to sew a design on a piece of cloth

: to make (a story, the truth, etc.) more interesting by adding details that are not true or accurate 

Enigma noun enig·ma i-ˈnig-mə, e-

: someone or something that is difficult to understand or explain

Established  verb es·tab·lish i-ˈsta-blish

: to cause (someone or something) to be widely known and accepted

: to put (someone or something) in a position, role, etc., that will last for a long time

: to begin or create (something that is meant to last for a long time)

Etiquette noun et·i·quette ˈe-ti-kət, -ˌket

: the rules indicating the proper and polite way to behave

Exert verb ex·ert ig-ˈzərt

: to use (strength, ability, etc.)

: to cause (force, effort, etc.) to have an effect or to be felt

Familial adjective fa·mil·ial fə-ˈmil-yəl, -ˈmi-lē-əl

: of or relating to a family : suggesting a family

medical : tending to affect members of the same family

Flagon noun flag·on ˈfla-gən

: a container for liquids that usually has a handle, spout, and lid; also : the amount in a flagon

Fleeting adjective fleet·ing ˈflē-tiŋ

: not lasting : lasting for only a short time

Forfeit noun for·feit ˈfȯr-fət

: something that is lost or given up as punishment or because of a rule or law

Frère Jacques French reference

: Referring to a French song.

Futile adjective fu·tile ˈfyü-təl, ˈfyü-ˌtī(-ə)l

: having no result or effect 

: pointless or useless

Humanitarian noun hu·man·i·tar·i·an hyü-ˌma-nə-ˈter-ē-ən, yü-

: a person who works to make other people’s lives better

  Humility noun hu·mil·i·ty hyü-ˈmi-lə-tē, yü-

: the quality or state of not thinking you are better than other people : the quality or state of being humble

Implication noun im·pli·ca·tion ˌim-plə-ˈkā-shən

: a possible future effect or result

: something that is suggested without being said directly : something that is implied

: the fact or state of being involved in or connected to something (such as a crime) : the fact or state of being implicated in something

Inferior adjective in·fe·ri·or in-ˈfir-ē-ər

: of poor quality : low or lower in quality

: of little or less importance or value

: low or lower in rank

Intoxicate verb in·tox·i·cate -sə-ˌkāt

:  to excite or elate to the point of enthusiasm or frenzy

Liable adjective li·a·ble ˈlī-ə-bəl, especially in sense 2 often ˈlī-bəl

: legally responsible for something

: likely to be affected or harmed by something

: likely to do something

Lucid adjective lu·cid ˈlü-səd

: very clear and easy to understand

: able to think clearly

Nobility noun no·bil·i·ty nō-ˈbi-lə-tē
: the quality or state of being noble in character or quality

the nobility : the group of people who are members of the highest social class in some countries

Philosophy noun phi·los·o·phy fə-ˈlä-s(ə-)fē

: the study of ideas about knowledge, truth, the nature and meaning of life, etc.

: a particular set of ideas about knowledge, truth, the nature and meaning of life, etc.

: a set of ideas about how to do something or how to live
 Psychiatry noun psy·chi·a·try sə-ˈkī-ə-trē, sī-

: a branch of medicine that deals with mental or emotional disorders

Recession noun re·ces·sion ri-ˈse-shən

:  a period of reduced economic activity

Resentment noun re·sent·ment ri-ˈzent-mənt

: a feeling of anger or displeasure about someone or something unfair

Sanctuary noun sanc·tu·ary ˈsaŋ(k)-chə-ˌwer-ē
: a place where someone or something is protected or given shelter

: the protection that is provided by a safe place

: the room inside a church, synagogue, etc., where religious services are held

Self-awareness noun self–aware·ness

: knowledge and awareness of your own personality or character

Self-reliant adjective self–re·li·ant -ənt

: confident in your own abilities and able to do things for yourself : not needing help from other people

Sociological adjective so·cio·log·i·cal ˌsō-sē-ə-ˈlä-ji-kəl, ˌsō-sh(ē-)ə-

 :  of or relating to sociology or to the methodological approach of sociology

:  oriented or directed toward social needs and problems

Socrates biographical name Soc·ra·tes ˈsä-krə-ˌtēz

ca 470–399 b.c. Greek philosopher

Superficial adjective su·per·fi·cial ˌsü-pər-ˈfi-shəl

: concerned only with what is obvious or apparent : not thorough or complete

: affecting only the outer part or surface of something : not deep or serious

: lying close to the surface

Transmit verb trans·mit tran(t)s-ˈmit, tranz-

: to send (information, sound, etc.) in the form of electrical signals to a radio, television, computer, etc.

: to give or pass (information, values, etc.) from one person to another

: to cause (a virus, disease, etc.) to be given to others

  Vacant adjective va·cant ˈvā-kənt

: not filled, used, or lived in of a job or position 

: not occupied by a person : available to be taken by someone

: showing no indication of what someone is thinking, feeling, etc.

Created by: Deborah Fisher

Works Cited

Webster, Noah. The Merriam-Webster Dictionary. New York: Pocket, 1977. Print.

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